A Re-Introduction


New Year. New decade. And just like the thousands of people who created resolutions for the new year, I decided to pursue a different path on some aspects of my life.

Writing is an option. It was a passion I had that life kinda forced me to turn my back on. So this space here, this is my way of re-igniting that little spark I had and was passionate about for quite awhile.

So who am I? I am that geek who spends too much of his free time on television, games and Youtube. A guy in his late 30’s who is lucky enough to be able to support his hobbies, but not techie enough to post this shit as a video. Hopefully, the world still have blog readers. I’m also gay, but I don’t know if that will have any bearing on the contents of this page.

Pop That Culture is where I will post my thoughts on games, movies, streaming services and any and all pop culture related subjects. Hopefully, I will be able to grow this site into something more.

If you happen to stumble into this little page of mine, I hope you join me as I write my way into this look at pop culture of the ’20s.

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Wanggo Online

portfolio, reviews, blog

Say Cheese!

Life is a piece of cheesecake.

Mr. False Pretense

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Thought Puddles

The droplets of an overactive mind, for you to splash into at your own leisure...


Gamer. Writer. Couch Potato. Surfer. Geek. Bear. Gay.